Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

Semester 2 Mata Kuliah English II

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Prophet Muhammad (1)
A great thing happened in the year 571 A.D. (the Christian Era). Muhammad, the last prophet, was born in Mecca 571 years after the prophet Jesus. His father was ‘Abdullah, who died before his birth. He lost his mother, Aminah, when he was only 6 years old. He married Khadijah, when he  was 25 years old. She was a noble lady of Mecca. He lived for 63 years. He received the first revelation from Allah in 611 A.D. when he was 40. At that time the Arabic people were idol worshippers. For 25 years he preached the message of truth. Muhammad invited the people to return to islam.
-         To happen = terjadi
-         Prophet = nabi
-         Birth = kelahiran
-         Noble = bangsawan
-         Revelation = wahyu
-         Idol = berhala
-         To worship = menyembah
-         Message = risalah
-         To preach = menyebarkan
-         Truth = kebenaran
Prophet Muhammad (2)
The arab people were invited by Muhammad to accept Islam. Some responed favourably, but most of them rejected Islam. They also turned againts him. In 622 A.D. Muhammad migrated to Medina. It was in the 12th year of this prophet-hood. In Medina he was accepted as a leader of an Islamic state. There he established the foundations of the relation among Muslim people and between Muslim adn non-Muslim people in general.
The islamic calendar began from the time of migration. Migration in Arabic is Hijrah In Mecca he tried to establish belief in One God among Arabic people. In Medina he tried to establish a social life among many different people. Muhammad continued to preach Islam in Medina. He worked with unmatched patience and great wisdom.
A short time after his death the message of Islam spread to most parts of the world. Islam contributes to world history. It also contributes to civilzation and scientific development. Today, about  1.000 milion Muslim all over the world accept Islam.
-         To invite = mengajak
-         Development = perkembangan
-         To respond = menjawab/menanggapi
-         To migrate = pindah, hijrah
-         To establish = mendirikan/menegakkan
-         Favourably = dengan senang
-         To reject = menolak
-         Wisdom = kebijaksanaan
-         To turn against = melawan
-         To contribute = memberi sumbangan

Prophet Muhammad (3)
The Islamic religion was preached by Muhamad for 23 years. He invited us to believe in Allah and to obey Him. We have to live in obedience to Him alone. We know Allah, the creator, from prophet Muhammad. Muhammad is the greatest benefactor for all mankind. He taught love and brotherhood. He asked his followers to be polite and to be kind to others. He asked us to love children and to respect elders. He taught us to help one another. He stopped people from doing harm to others. He asked muslims to be always truthful. He practised what the preached. He is a good example for our life. The message brought by him is the final message there is no prophet after Muhammad. We have to follow hs teaching.
-         Obedience = ketaatan
-         Truthful = benar
-         Benefactor = persaudaraan (ukhuwwah)
-         Mankind = kemanusiaan
-         Harm = membahayakan
-         Respect = menghormati
-         To preach = menyiarkan
-         A good example – suri teladan

There are two sources of the religion of Islam. Tehese sources are the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The Qur’an is God’s words which were revealed to the prophet Muhammad and the Sunnah is the Prophet’s tradition. The Qur’an is a Guidance from God for all human beings. Therefore, God’s words which were written in the Qur’an should be read by all human beings. God wants all human beings to be happy in the world and in the life hereafter by giving the guidance and rules written in the Qur’an. Therefore, all people who want to be happy and safe in their life should know what is said by God in the Qur’an. Their happiness His in their obediance to the guidance of God.
God sent the prophet Muhammad as His messenger to instruct all people how to obey and to follow His guidance. What the prophet did was to explain, to inform and to give examples. Everything form the prophet was considered as the sunnah or prophet’s tradition, and it is the second sources of Islamic teaching. Therefore, what the prophet did and said and also what his companions did and he agreed to all of these are the sources of Islam. All Muslims accept and follow guidance from Allah and His messenger according to what is written in the Qur’an and what was taught by the prophet as his sunnah.
-         Tradition = sunnah, kebiasaan
-         To reveal = mewahyukan
-         To keep =  menyimpan
-         To explain = menjelaskan
-         To inform = menerangkan
-         Companions = menyetujui
-         Source = sumber


God is the Lord of the universe. He is the creator of the universe. He creates the world for us and also creates us in the best form. In arabic, God is called Allah. Allah is the proper name for the one and only God. Therefore, God is one and Almighty. There is no one like Him and He has no partner, children or parents. He is eternal and knows everything. God is Great as well as Merciful. He is kind, loving and provides us with everything. God sent prophets to guide us, from Adam, the first prophet, to Muhammad, the last prophet. The prophets told us how to thank God and obey Him. They also taught us how to live like good human beings, be happy and successful. Therefore we have to believe in God, thank Him and obey Him.

-         Universe = alam semesta
-         Eternal = abadi
-         To create = mencipta
-         Merciful = Maha Pengasih
-         To guide = membimbing
-         To provide = menyediakan

The Qur’an (1)

The Qur’an is the book of Allah. Every word of the Qur’an is the word of Allah. It is a book of Guidance. It is preserved in its original form. Not a single word of it has been changed or lost. It is found today exactly as it was releaved to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h).  How was the Qur’an revealed to the prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h)? Allah revealed the Qur’an through the Angel Gabriel. Gabriel passed on Allah’s words to Muhammad (p.b.u.h) asked his secretary to write down exactly what Gabriel told him.
The  revelation was completed over a period of 23 years. Some Muslims learn the whole of the Qur’an by heart, but all Muslims learn parts of the Qur’an by heart. It is preserved through memory as well as writing. It was written down from the very beginning. Allah has given His protection to it and it will always be preserved. Nobody can change it, as was said by Allah, “Allah sent it and will protect it”.
-         To preserve = menjaga, melestarikan
-         Exactly = persis, tepat
-         To change = mengubah
-         To complete = menyempurnakan
-         To pass on = menyampaikan
-         To proted = melindungi
-         To reveal = mewahyukan
-         To learn by heart = menghafalkan

The Qur’an (2)
The Qur’an is the Final Book sent by Allah, it is a great and noble book. It wa revealed in the Arabic languange in a beautiful style. Its rhyme and rhytm are beautiful. The Qur’an is a wonderful book of guidance. It gives us a good feeling to read it. Its message is full of life. In other words, the Qur’an tells us how to serve and worship God. It also tells us how to live a life of virtue. The Qur’an tells us how to be good and give up bad habits. It tells us how to behave at home, how to behave with our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbours and strangers. It tells us how to behave towards other people. It is a book for all men and women in all parts of the world and for all times. It is the book of complete guidance. It is the true guidance for all mankind. Allah asked us to read the Qur’an and follow what it says. A muslim believes in the Qur’an, reads it daily, understand its meaning and tries to follow it in his life. We will be happy and succesful if we obey Allah’s commands which are written the Qur’an.

-         Rhythm = irama
-         Rhyme = sajak
-         To serve = mengabdi
-         Virtue = kebaikan, kebajikan
-         To give up = menghentikan
-         Habit = kebiasaan
-         To behave = bertingkah laku
-         Stranger = orang asing, belum dikenal
-         Command = perintah
-         Noble = mulia

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